Cody and I decided to make a blog to keep everyone posted on the details of our wedding and life beyond.
Our invitations should be in the mail today! We had a couple printing mishaps- (we're on attempt number four for the reception card... my fingers are crossed that it's printed correctly this time!) It was a lot of fun putting our invitations together- I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.
I've been able to take a pretty easy final semester at school- only two classes separate me from graduation! I'm taking intercultural communication to satisfy a diversity credit, as well as my senior seminar in British Studies- an english class. Both are interesting and thought provoking. I've just turned in my first paper of the semester- a 4 page essay for British Studies, and I have another due in intercultural comm next week. It is really nice to have such a light load at school, so I have plenty of time to work at the gym and plan the wedding!
Cody's former job, building climbing walls for Vertical Solutions, ran out of work to do at the beginning of the month. He has been determinedly searching for a replacement job in the past weeks, and hasn't been very successful. I guess Washington D.C isn't kidding about this recession thing. He was getting worried until yesterday afternoon, when he received a call from a job he thought had been filled. He applied to work for Suzlon Wind Power and the hiring agency responded via email, saying they were interested in him, and would call him last weekend. They didn't call- so Cody just assumed that the position had been filled, and kept looking. Yesterday, the hiring agency called him- the hiring process had been delayed. The phone interview went well, and he should be heading to work within the next couple weeks, when the job begins.
Well, that's all for now. Until next time- we're living the dream.