Hello and happy autumn to one and all! The blog has been quiet this month.... But our lives here on Bainbridge have been rather busy. I've got a job working at Bainbridge Bakers, a bakery and cafe that is within strolling distance from our slip. I make fancy espresso drinks and sell pastries. You want a dopio macchiato, you say? Or a double shot in the dark? Or just a plain' ol' latte? You come see me.
Autumn in all her glory on land, and on the sea.
We've been having a fantastic fall season here in the Pacific Northwest!
Cody has been working with Dave Sutter, the gentleman who sold us our boat, (who we've been calling Gesena, by the way.) Recently, however, Dave, who has been restoring a sailboat, and doing minor roofing projects, has had a lull in work. So, after a week of waiting, Cody called up Vertical Solutions, and is currently en route to a wall building job in Telluride, Colorado. He'll be back in time for Turkey day. (Well, that's the plan. He BETTER be back for turkey day.)
Cody at the helm. What a peaceful and beautiful pastime.
We've been sailing the paint of little Gesena. Every chance we get, we're hoisting our sails and exploring the Puget Sound around Bainbridge. Winter is coming, and soon, so we're trying to snag every last minute of the warmish fall weather and winds before it all goes grey in a month or so.
Our home row in the Marina. Sometimes, when I'm walking the dock back to the boat after a run, all I want to do is jump into that placid water and float on my back down the rows of boats. Doesn't it just look inviting? (Okay, I know, not really. But if you're all hot and sweaty, it looks pretty refreshing!)
We take turns at the helm and adjusting the sails. Hopefully, with enough practice, we'll get to the point where we can both single-hand her.
Look at that lovely sail trim!
The main sail and the jib in perfect harmony in our favorite point of sail- the close haul.
Our back yard.
The Seattle skyline to the left, Blakely Rock to the right, and just on the right edge of the frame, in the background, you can see the silhouette of a ferry boat on it's way to Bremerton.